Remove the bandage after 2 hours. The purpose of the bandage is two-fold: The first is to prevent the blood from getting all over your clothes. The second is to create a barrier between the fresh tattoo, which should be considered an open wound, and any bacteria within the vicinity of the tattoo. Ideally, a tattoo should be allowed to get plenty of fresh air, as it helps the clotting process.
Wash gently with cool or lukewarm water, using an unscented antibacterial soap: Dial gold soap is great.
When removing the bandage, the tattoo area should be cleaned with cool to lukewarm water and an antibacterial soap. Any dried blood should be carefully washed off with the palm of your hand (do not scrub) and the area dried off with a clean paper towel. Do not use your bath towels or wash cloths as they may contain bacteria. For the most part, you will not need to re-bandage after this point. There are only a few times when you may be advised to cover the tattoo again, the most critical one being just before bedtime. Pat dry with a clean paper towel. (DO NOT RUB!)
Keep tattoo dry for 48 hours - DO NOT apply any lotions or ointments for the first 2 days.
Avoid the gym or excessive sweating for 2-3 days.
You may shower normally. DO NOT use any scented soaps, acne washes, or exfoliants on the tattooed area.
We recommend using a non-scented moisturizer and to apply a thin layer 2-3 times a day on your tattoo for 2 weeks or more.
Recommended: Cetaphil, CeraVe, Lubriderm, Aveeno, Coco Butter, or coconut oilWe advise against the use of thick ointments for moisturizing. Don’t over saturate the skin with ointment. It is not needed and does more damage than good. A thin, conservative coat is all it needs.
Avoid submerging the tattoo in water: the ocean, lakes, rivers, hot tub, swimming pool, and bath tub until healed (at least 14 days)
AVOID exposure to the sun for AT LEAST 14 days.
Refrain from picking at scabs: Your tattoo will start to scab around day 3. Flaking and peeling is normal. DO NOT PICK AT OR ITCH YOUR HEALING TATTOO.
Scabs will fall off as the tattoo heals, usually in one to three weeks. As a tattoo heals it may become itchy and you might get an uncontrollable urge to scratch at it to alleviate the discomfort. DON’T. A scab is your body’s natural way of healing itself. However it may look, a scab is still attached to the underlying skin. By picking or scratching at it there is the potential of it tearing away from your skin pulling skin tissue and the underlying ink along with it. If itching does occur it is usually a good indication that the skin is dry. Applying a thin coat of lotion will help alleviate the discomfort. When washing the scabbing/flaking tattoo, never use anything other than your hand to clean it. This includes washcloths, sponges and paper or cloth towels. Use warm water and a mild anti-bacterial soap. If there are any loose flakes you can remove them using a gentle brushing action with your finger tips or palm of your hand. Avoid the temptation to ‘help’ the flaking along by brushing roughly.
Use ice packs if swelling or redness occurs. Your tattoo will be swollen and feel hot to the touch for 24-48 hours — this is normal. You may also experience swelling of the tattooed area for about 3 days. Call a doctor if you experience signs of infection (signs of infection include redness that gets worse, excessive swelling and discharge from the tattoo)
Your tattoo should heal within two weeks: Different people have different physiology. With this in mind you should understand that you may heal quicker or slower. Some tattoos require a lot more work to be done to the skin. The more damage your skin receives, the longer it may need to heal. People with higher blood pressure will tend to bleed more, increasing the chances of ‘bleeding’ out some of the ink or experiencing a rougher heal with thicker scabbing and prolonged healing.
Moisturize as needed.
Use sunblock (30 SPF or higher) to avoid tattoo fading over time.
The easiest way to help prolong the colors in your tattoo is to keep it out of the sun. If you must go out and sport your tattoo at the beach or outside on your job, use a sun block. There are many products on the market today that have SPF ratings strong enough to keep those harmful UV rays from dulling your tattoo. Select an SPF of 30 or higher and apply it to your tattoo when you go out into the sun. Re-apply every 60-90 minutes as directed on the sun block container. If you don’t use sunblock for your entire body, make sure you carefully cover only the tattoo.
If you have any questions about your healing tattoo, don’t hesitate to contact your artist directly.
If you believe your tattoo may be infected, please contact a doctor immediately.
Touchups are free within 1 year of your tattoo if you follow the aftercare instructions provided. Bad healing caused by any infections due to not following proper after instructions, does not result in a free touch up.
If you want to add to your tattoo at a later date (such as shading, etc.) it will be an additional charge of at least the artists minimum rate.
We would love to see your tattoo healed! Send a photo via email to or tag us on Instagram! (@mesmertattoo)