I’m getting my first tattoo — where do I start?!
Click here for tips on how to go about getting your first tattoo.
Do you do piercings at Mesmer Tattoo?
No, we do not provide piercings or sell any jewelry. The only services we provide are tattoo related services.
Do you take walk-ins or same day appointments?
No. Our tattoo studio is a private studio that works by appointment only and our artists are typically booked out a few months in advance.
Sometimes cancellations occur and appointment slots open up and you may be able to claim that opening. However, we recommend contacting your desired artist through our website to schedule an appointment in advance.
Can I get a tattoo if I am under the age of 18?
No. The state of New York prohibits tattooing a person under 18 years of age, regardless of parental consent.
A valid I.D. is always required for proof of age at your tattoo appointment.
Can I get a tattoo if I am pregnant or breast feeding?
No, we will not tattoo you if you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding due to increased risk of infection.
Does it hurt?
Yes it hurts. During the tattoo process, needles are used to permanently insert pigments into your skin. The pain varies from person to person but is similar to a cat scratch or a hair pull.
How long does it take to heal?
It typically takes about 10-14 days for your tattoo to appear healed. However, it may take about 4-8 weeks for your skin to be fully healed. This is why your touch up session, if needed, is recommended no earlier than 4 weeks after your initial session.
Click here to read our tattoo aftercare instructions.
Do I need to schedule a consultation?
We highly recommend scheduling a consultation for larger pieces, or if you are new to getting tattooed. During your consultation, we will discuss the full details of your desired tattoo and placement. We may recommend changing the placement of your desired tattoo if we believe it may be in your best interest as certain parts of the body are harder to tattoo. Smaller areas with thicker skin (ex: elbow) will hold less detail that other areas of the body.
Please do not be afraid to ask questions. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have so don’t hesitate to bring up any concerns. We want to make sure you love your tattoo forever, so we’ve got your back!
How much does it cost?
Our artists are independent artists that choose their own pricing based on their skillset and how long they have been tattooing. Please view the artists pages on our website to see their rates and booking information.
A nonrefundable deposit is required for all appointments. This deposit secures your appointment date, time and tattoo design and will be credited towards the total cost of your tattoo.
Are there any pre-appointment restrictions?
To ensure your skin is in the best possible condition for tattooing, please avoid heavy sunlight and especially sunburn 3 days before your tattoo appointment. Your skin should not be in the process of healing before your appointment.
Please do not come in intoxicated or under the influence for your tattoo appointment. It is our right to refuse service if you show up intoxicated or under the influence.
If you have any questions about these restrictions, please do not hesitate to contact your artist.
Is the studio and equipment safe?
Tattoo services at Mesmer Tattoo are completed at the highest standard of safety and cleanliness in accordance with the health department. All equipment is single-use and disposable, and a new 'set-up' is used for each client. All tattoo stations are disinfected daily and cleaned between each client appointment.
My tattoo is flaking...is this normal?
Yes, this is a normal part of the healing process. Your tattoo will start to scab around day 3 of healing. Flaking and peeling is normal.
How can I best prepare for my tattoo appointment?
Our biggest tip to best prepare yourself for your tattoo appointment is to 1. make sure to get a full nights sleep, 2. eat a meal before coming to your appointment and 3. make sure to stay hydrated and to moisturize your skin daily. Most people are chronically dehydrated and this effects the skin as it is our body’s largest organ…so the better hydrated you are before your appointment, the healthier your skin will be which will be extremely beneficial for not only the tattoo process itself, but how well your skin will heal afterwards.
We also highly recommend making sure to eat healthy and take any vitamins or supplements that will help boost your immune system. When you get tattooed, your body is undergoing trauma and will have to heal from this. The healthier you are, the better you will heal.
What should I wear to my tattoo appointment?
Wear comfortable clothing. Inks may stain so darker clothing is recommended. You’ll be sitting still for a while depending on the size of your tattoo so dress comfortably.
If you’re getting a tattoo on your arm, bring a zip up hoodie or cardigan so you can cover up the other side of your body and stay warm (you may feel cold throughout your tattoo appointment so be prepared).
LADIES: if you are getting a tattoo on your upper leg or hip, please make sure to wear comfortable clothing and if you have a bikini that ties on the side, that is extremely helpful so you can keep your intimate parts covered during your tattoo. We also recommend bringing a towel you don’t mind getting dirty to cover up with for comfort during your tattoo.
If you are getting your sternum, chest, ribs, or back tattooed, please wear the appropriate clothing. You don’t want to wear a tight bra with an underwire that will rub on your fresh tattoo - ouch! We recommend a bralette or no bra for a day or two to avoid irritation on or around your fresh tattoo.
Shower first (please). Getting a tattoo does require your artist to be in your personal space so please make it a pleasant experience for everyone all around. Please keep colognes and perfumes to a minimum as courtesy to not only your artist but those around you in the tattoo space. This ensures a pleasant experience for everyone all around. Ensuring that you are clean is important to the tattoo healing process as well. As always, we will return the favor and make sure we’re not smelling funky either.
What should I bring to my tattoo appointment?
We recommend eating 1-2 hours before your appointment to avoid any blood sugar crashes during your appointment which may cause you to feel light headed and unable to finish the tattoo. We encourage you to bring snacks make sure to bring water to stay hydrated as your tattoo may take quite some time.
You’re welcome to bring your own headphones to listen to your own music or to binge watch your favorite Netflix show while you get tattooed.
If you need a break during your tattoo appointment, just ask! It may seem like a pain to take a break, but we would prefer that to you passing out! If we are in a position where taking a break may be difficult, we can know to give you some time at the next possible stopping point.
Can my friends or family come with me to my appointment?
Due to the limited space in our private studio and we ask that our clients please do not bring any guests with them to their appointment. If a guest comes with you they will be asked to wait in the waiting area to avoid getting in the artists’ way. Tattoo appointments can last for hours and can actually be very boring for those who accompany you. For safety and liability purposes, please leave small children at home. Children and those under the age of 18 are not allowed into the tattoo studio.
How much should I tip? Do I need to tip?
We often get asked this a lot and it can be awkward on both ends.
There is a lot of great advice when it comes to tipping but what is the standard?
Like other services, 20% is the standard (most average between 20-30%), but there is wiggle room. This 20% guideline is typically used when paying an artist an hourly rate. When paying larger transactions (ie: paying a full day rate), a 20% tip may be quite a bit extra money — in these cases, tips usually range from about $50-$200.
Tattooers are not relying on tips for their income — generally they are charging what they expect to make in order to run their business and make a living.
Tipping is appreciated in other forms outside of money. Sometimes clients enjoy tipping in other forms such as gifting handmade items/art, plants, coffee, etc.
All in all, a tip is a great way to show your appreciation for excellent service, especially when your artist goes above and beyond to make you feel comfortable throughout the tattoo process. Tipping is not required and is not always expected but definitely valued! It really comes down to what you feel is an adequate tip for your overall experience with your artist and your tattoo.
Special Advice:
In order for our artists to work at their best, they need you to be at your best. The top 10 most important tips that will help you with your session:
Get a full nights rest the night before.
Do not consume excessive amounts of alcohol the night prior.
Eat some food before your session.
Bring snacks and water for stretch breaks.
Dress appropriately for your artist to be able to access the area that you will have tattooed.
If you are prone to being cold, bring an extra layer of clothing or a blanket you don’t mind potentially getting a bit dirty (with ink or blood).
Be cautious of your caffeine consumption the morning of your appointment.
If you like to listen to your own music please bring headphones.
We appreciate you being mindful of your artist and the shop by taking phone calls on breaks and not during the actual tattoo process.
The less you move and the less you talk, the quicker your tattoo process will be and the more efficiently your artist will be able to tattoo their best possible work on you!